Last weekend I joined Numenta’s Fall 2014 Hackathon. A fantastic event. It underscores Numenta’s approach of being totally open with their work and supportive of the community.
It feels like we are at the cusp of a revolution, where a few more good ideas will really make this thing fly. So it was inspiring to hear from Jeff Hawkins about the current challenges, and to see Chetan and Yuwei’s brilliant demonstration of temporal pooling in action.
I was particularly glad to meet fellow functional programmers including system designer and Clojurist Fergal Byrne, Clojurist / Clojurescripter Marcus Lewis, Racketeer Rian Shams and Lisper Eric McCarthy.
My hack was a encoder, for semantic
representation of words as input to HTM. In Comportex. The approach
was to make requests to the REST
API and
store the results in a cache used by the encoder itself. I did this in
both Clojure (JVM) and Clojurescript (Javascript) implementations.
produces two dimensional bit arrays, I also
implemented two dimensional field visualisations in ComportexViz.
Here it is: interactive demo of encoder.
Note: may take up to a minute to initialise. Maximise browser window before loading page. Google Chrome browser recommended.
Er, there is also a video of me presenting this… but I didn’t present it well. I was so focused on getting something working that I put zero minutes of preparation into the talk. I did not even try to address why I use Clojure. But Rian Shams did give a nice introduction to the joys of functional programming. Good on him.
The demo here was compiled from Comportex 0.0.5 with ComportexViz 0.0.5.
The Clojure version of the encoder is just this:
(ns org.nfrac.comportex.cortical-io
(:require [org.nfrac.comportex.protocols :as p]
[org.nfrac.comportex.topology :as topology]
[org.nfrac.comportex.util :as util]
[clojure.string :as str]
[clj-http.client :as http]))
(def base-uri "")
(def retina-size [128 128])
(def query-params {:retina_name "en_associative"})
(defn get-fingerprint
[api-key term]
(http/post (str base-uri "/expressions")
{:query-params query-params
:content-type :json
:as :json
:form-params {:term term}
:with-credentials? false
:throw-exceptions false
:headers {"api-key" api-key}}))
(defn get-similar-terms
[api-key bits max-n]
(http/post (str base-uri "/expressions/similar_terms")
{:query-params (assoc query-params
:get_fingerprint true
:max_results max-n)
:content-type :json
:as :json
:form-params {:positions bits}
:with-credentials? false
:throw-exceptions false
:headers {"api-key" api-key}}))
(defn apply-offset
[xs offset]
(->> xs
(map #(+ % offset))
(into (empty xs))))
(defn random-sdr
(let [size (apply * retina-size)]
(set (repeatedly (* size 0.02)
#(util/rand-int 0 (dec size))))))
(defn look-up-fingerprint
"Returns a fingerprint for the term, being a set of active indices.
If the term is not found in the cache, makes a synchronous call to REST API and stores the result in the cache (an atom).
If the request to fails, the term is assigned a new
random SDR."
[api-key cache term]
(let [term (str/lower-case term)]
(or (get @cache term)
(get (swap! cache assoc term
(let [result (get-fingerprint api-key term)]
(if (http/success? result)
(set (get-in result [:body :positions]))
(do (println " lookup of term failed:" term)
(println result)
(defn cortical-io-encoder
[api-key cache min-votes]
(let [topo (topology/make-topology retina-size)]
(topology [_]
[_ offset term]
(if (seq term)
(look-up-fingerprint api-key cache term)
(not (zero? offset)) (apply-offset offset))
[_ bit-votes n]
(let [bits (keep (fn [[i votes]]
(when (>= votes min-votes) i))
(if (empty? bits)
(let [result (get-similar-terms api-key bits n)]
(if (http/success? result)
(->> (:body result)
(map (fn [item]
{:value (get item :term)})))))))))))
If used directly, the encoder above makes synchronous calls to the REST API, which will slow things down. A better way is to run a separate thread to do the API calls while the main thread takes care of the HTM algorithm. Code for that is given in cortical_io_channel.clj.
Not really.
Just as the hackathon was wrapping up I fed in some of these children’s stories repeated a couple of times. I ended up just feeding them in as a continuous stream of words without sentence breaks. Then I fed in the start of a sentence and looked up the top prediction of the next word. I fed that in as actual input, then asked for the next word, etc. I call this a stream of associations. It was not scientific at all but here are a couple of the more interesting samples:
> (submit "the poor little")
> (stream-of-associations 20)
> (submit "what a good")
> (stream-of-associations 20)
As Jeff mentioned during Francisco Webber’s talk at the hackathon, the spatial clustering in fingerprints may actually be undesirable for use in HTM. Because there is local inhibition of column activation, if there are only a few small clusters of input bits, this may produce a too-sparse activation pattern, losing information.
Also, the lookup of similar terms usually seems to produce unlikely suggestions. This may be resolved by refining the proximal synapse fields after long training. But for quick usage it seems we get more reasonable results by comparing the predicted bits directly against the words we have seen before.
And of course performance. In particular, my Clojurescript implementation is very very slow.